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100% Satisfaction Guarantee 2.png

We know starting your new business might be scary, but learning about it shouldn’t be! We are confident that with our training you will gain valuable knowledge. However, if you are not happy with our course, just let us know and we will refund your money in full within 30 days!

Truck Dispatcher Course - Core


Price $360.00 or $60/mo

A quick guide to starting a Truck Dispatch Business – Interactive learning course with real-life examples and integrated instant quizzes for better memorization of the reviewed material. As a bonus, at the end of the course, you will receive blank samples of documents that might be helpful for the setup of your operation (contracts to sign with your clients, power of attorney, payment authorization, carrier profile, and reference forms). With Marketing Module you will also learn simple but effective marketing strategies to gain clients. The course is UPDATED for 2023.


Once you complete all the lessons and pass the graded quiz you will receive a digital Certificate of Completion. You can also receive Discounted DAT load board access.

120 Lessons
2719 Students
Truck Dispatcher Course - Extended


$399 special
Price $600.00 or $100/mo

Imagine sitting down with an instructor and discussing every lesson from our CORE training. Imagine getting additional information, more examples and solutions for truck  dispatch-related topics. Imagine all of your questions being answered before you even had to ask them. If this is type of learning experience you prefer, then the EXTENDED version was created for you! Gain access to extra 55 lessons explaining in greater depth trucking industry basics, freight booking process, problem resolution and marketing of your future business. The course is UPDATED for 2023.

Once you complete all the lessons and pass the graded quiz you will receive a digital Certificate of Completion. You can also receive Discounted DAT load board access.

175 Lessons
2901 Students
Anchor - Extended course
Truck Dispatcher Course - Web Starter


Price $2499

Do you want to get a head start on marketing of your future Trucking Dispatch Service Business? Then our WEB STARTER Package might be for you! With this package you will receive following:

  • EXTENDED VERSION of our Dispatch Training Course

  • Logo development and business card design

  • Dispatch service web-site (up to 5 pages) with domain & hosting paid for the first year

  • Two over-the-phone consultations with our Program Manager

When you click to enroll you will be transferred to our learning platform where you can make a payment and get immediate access to all training material

Truck Dispatcher Course - Certificate


If you would like to receive a digital Certificate of Completion, you need to enroll in our Truck Dispatch Training Course. Once you complete all the lessons and pass graded quiz you will be able to download your digital “Certificate of Completion”!


Please note: When you register for the course make sure to provide your name the way you want it to be listed on Certificate of Completion. Once certificate is issued we will not be able to make changes. 

Included with purchase of our Dispatch Training Courses
4.8 out of 5 

Truck Dispatcher Training: How to Become a Skilled Dispatcher

Truck dispatchers play a critical role in the transportation industry, managing the movement of trucks and ensuring smooth operation for motor carriers. Dispatchers are responsible for coordinating the movement of cargo, tracking shipments, communicating with drivers, and managing schedules. To become a skilled truck dispatcher, it's important to receive proper training.

What is Truck Dispatcher Training?

Truck dispatcher training is a comprehensive program that teaches the skills and knowledge necessary to manage the movement of trucks and goods. Training programs cover a wide range of topics, including dispatching procedures, scheduling, routing, customer service, regulations, and compliance requirements. A good training program will also teach you about operations and marketing of your dispatching service. Training courses can vary in length from a few days to several months, depending on the level of detail and complexity.

Why is Truck Dispatcher Training Important?

Proper training is crucial for anyone who wants to become a skilled truck dispatcher. Dispatchers are responsible for ensuring that owner-operators always have freight to transport while helping improve their profitability. A well-trained dispatcher is more effective at managing the movement of trucks, minimizing delays, reducing costs, and improving client's satisfaction. By investing in proper training, dispatchers can gain the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their role.

How to Choose a Truck Dispatcher Training Program

There are many truck dispatcher training programs available, and it can be challenging to choose the right one.
When selecting a program, consider the following factors:

1.    Reputation: Make sure you are purchasing training from a company that is actually involved in Truck Dispatching. There are many imposters out there! Look for a program that has a good reputation and is recognized in the industry.

2.    Curriculum: Look for a training program that covers all the essential topics, including load booking process, dispatching procedures, trucking vocabulary, regulations, and marketing of your newly established business.

3.    Duration: Consider the length of the program and ensure that it meets your needs.

4.    Delivery Method: Consider the delivery method of the program. Some programs are delivered in a video presentation format, while others are only available as text. For example; LearnDispatch training consist of video lessons. 

5.    Support: Make sure there is a team of real truck dispatchers who can assist you after completion of your training. 


Truck dispatching is a challenging and rewarding career that requires proper training to be successful. Dispatchers play a critical role in the transportation industry, ensuring that truck capacity of their clients is constantly busy. By investing in proper training, dispatchers can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their role, improving efficiency, communication, safety, and overall performance. When choosing a training program, consider the reputation, curriculum, duration, delivery method, and post training support.

A percentage of net proceeds will be used for charitable causes. This includes our support of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. If you would like to make a donation directly to St. Jude’s please click here. Thank you for your help!

LearnDispatch support for St.Jude

All rights reserved. © 2016-2023 by ALFA X Logistics, LLC

Tel: 404-418-5400 Fax: 770-825-9230

Any information or advice contained on this website and our blog is general in nature and intended for educational purposes only. We will not accept liability for any loss or damage which may arise from the use of such information. Please remember that business performance of other individuals may vary from yours. Offer for discounted access to the DAT load board is subject to the DAT requirements and can change without a notice.

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